On 25 September 2024, the new regulations that oblige employers to implement solutions to ensure the protection of whistleblowers, come into force. What actions should be taken to comply with the statutory requirements and to eliminate the risk of sanctions for failing to implement internal procedures?
View recording of our webinar focusing on the key issues of the Whistleblower Protection Act. We discussed ways of preparing for the upcoming changes.
Under the new legislation, employers will be required to implement and follow appropriate internal procedures for whistleblowing. The new obligations to which employers will be subject will come into force shortly. The failure to implement adequate procedures not only exposes employers to criminal sanctions, but also to the risk of claims from whistleblowers.
The webinar is in Polish.
What will you learn from the webinar on whistleblower protection?
During the event, we covered the employer’s key obligations under the Act, including the requirements for an internal notification procedure and its implementation. We also talked about the most important risks and possible sanctions.
Learn how to effectively implement whistleblower protection procedures in your company and ensure a safe working environment.
Whistleblower protection – webinar agenda:
Do you want to talk about whistleblower protection in your company today? Sign up for a free consultation with our experts:
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