On 15 December 2022, the Senate introduced four amendments to the amendment to the draft bill changing the Labour Code. The amendments include i.a. extending the vacatio legis from 2 to 3 months, thus giving employers more time to implement the new regulations.
Remote work with four Senate amendments
The Senate introduced amendments to a bill adopted earlier by the Sejm to regulate the opportunity to provide remote work under the Labour Code. Learn more: Amendment to the Labour Code on remote work adopted
The four amendments to the remote work bill recommended by the Senate are:
- Extension of the vacatio legis period – according to the amendment of the Senate, the provisions of the act introducing remote working to the Labour Code will enter into force 3 months after their publication in the Journal of Laws, instead of 2 months as previously provided;
- More days of occasional remote work in a calendar year – an employee will be allowed to request to perform occasional remote work for a maximum of 30 days per calendar year, previously it was to be 24 days per year:
- Remote work for an employee/parent of a child up to the age of 10 – the Senate amendment increases the age of the child to entitle the employee/parent to request remote work. It is to be age 10, not 4 as provided for in the bill (please note that employers will have to consider such a request);
- Request for remote work for an employee providing care – according to the amendment, it will also be possible for employees providing care for another member of the immediate family or another person living in the common household with a disability certificate or a severe disability certificate to request remote work.
The draft bill with the amendments adopted by the Senate will now return to the Sejm for reconsideration at its session on 20 December 2022.
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