As part of the reform known as the National Reconstruction Plan, the Ministry of Family and Social Policy is preparing a draft act on the employment of foreigners. The changes are to facilitate the employment of foreigners and will also eliminate the labour market test.
The proposed provisions on changes in the employment of foreigners are to be based on the already applicable principle of free access to the labour market for specific groups of foreigners and the limited right to take up and perform work in accordance with the conditions set out in the work permit or temporary residence permit in connection with work.
The draft act will include provisions to facilitate the application of and compliance with the provisions on the employment of foreigners. In addition, the act is to contain provisions allowing to correct or remove from legal circulation statements on entrusting work to a foreigner entered by mistake in the register or completely unnecessary, and is also to eliminate the labour market test.
The labour market test is a procedure designed to protect the national labour market, according to which a foreigner is employed only when a local worker cannot be found for a given position. The government intends to remove this procedure as it is considered ineffective.
The act is to be adopted by the Council of Ministers in the third quarter of 2022, it is currently in the preparation phase, and the person responsible for developing the bill is the Minister of Family and Social Policy.
Learn more: Employment service for foreigners
On 29 January 2022, an amendment regarding the employment of foreigners entered into force. The amended regulations introduced important changes in the employment of foreigners, including solutions such as:
Employment of foreigners – see how we can help:
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