Our company TGC Corporate Lawyers received a certificate for participation in the ecological program “Trees for Life”. By purchasing the selected paper we supported the planting of trees in the Czech Republic.
Every bale of paper that passes through our hands in our company was once part of a living tree. We are trying to help nature, so we are very happy that for every 50 bales of selected paper we buy for our offices, Officeo will plant 1 tree.
This year a record 41,365 trees were planted.
Two sites have been selected for tree planting for 2021:
The first site is the forest land of the city of Klatovy, where they have been working on sustainable management for a long time, changing the species stock in favour of deciduous trees. For this project, the city needs an increased amount of broadleaf seedlings, especially summer oak. The planting material for the forest land of the city of Klatovy was used to restore 1 ha of calamity groves.
The second site is the forest land of the noble family Colloredo – Mannsfeld. Currently, the forest stands are affected by the bark beetle calamity, as in most of the Czech Republic. It is therefore necessary to reforest the extensive bark beetle groves. The planting material will be used to restore 3.2 ha of calamity groves in the Zbirožsko and Dobříšsko area. Winter oak seedlings were used for the restoration.
Thus, within the framework of the ecological programme Trees for Life®, a total of 697 414 trees have been planted.
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01-209 Warszawa
+48 22 295 33 00
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REGON: 01551820200000. Sąd Rejonowy dla
m.st. Warszawy, XII Wydział Gospodarczy