Increasing globalisation and growing need for expansion pose challenges to employers related to management of international talent mobility. TGC Corporate Lawyers as part of the Global Mobility Services package support clients by offering comprehensive legal solutions with regard to the posting of workers.
We offer support to companies employing foreigners in Poland, as well as companies posting workers abroad.
Our experts advise on how to plan, organize and implement all types of foreign travel and posting of workers in line with labour, tax and social insurance regulations in force.
Our legal services include:
Planning and implementation of workers posting process in line with local and international regulations
We also represent employers and employees before the authorities with regard to all formalities related to the posting of workers to other EU member states and performance of work by workers posted to the territory of the Republic of Poland.
We also offer consultations on Polish and EU law pertaining to technically complex scenarios of posting of workers, including employment law and coordination of social insurance.
We provide comprehensive legal assistance to employees of foreign companies posted to work in Poland or employees from Poland posted abroad. We provide support with regard to all forms of employment of posted workers:
Posting of workers – find out how we can help!
ul. Hrubieszowska 2
01-209 Warszawa
+48 22 295 33 00
NIP: 525-22-71-480, KRS: 0000167447,
REGON: 01551820200000. Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy, XII Wydział Gospodarczy