Ochrona konkurencji i konsumentów

Protection of competition and consumers

Unfair competition, protection of competition and consumerslaw firm in Poland

TGC Corporate Lawyers provide comprehensive legal advice on issues related to the protection of competition and consumer rights. Our advice ranges from ongoing assessment of compliance of operations with applicable legal regulations to representing clients in competition disputes.

We help clients in solving matters related to unfair competition, such as breach of trade secrets, breach of non-competition clause, imitation of products placed on the market or unfair marketing practices e.g. using unfair advertising of the company or its products. We also handle cases in the field of anti-competitive practices such as market collusion or limiting access to the market.

Protection of competition and consumers – selected areas of support

Analysis of practices in terms of compliance with applicable regulations

  • Audits of undertaken and planned activities in terms of compliance with principles of fair competition
  • Verification of contracts, correspondence and other documents
  • Assessment of compliance of the planned activities
  • Reducing the legal risk resulting from competition and consumer protection regulations

Counteracting unfair competition, protection of competition and consumer rights

  • Strategic planning taking into account protection of competition and consumers
  • Recommendations on good practices for competition and consumer protection (drafting internal regulations, developing compliance programs etc.)
  • Protection against potential claims of third parties
  • Supervision over maintenance and monitoring compliance with competition law

Market concentration

  • Assessment of the planned transaction as regards the obligation to notify the intention of concentration to antitrust authorities (UOKiK)
  • Drafting notifications on the intention of concentration and other necessary merger control documents
  • Representation in the merger control procedure before antitrust authorities (UOKiK)
  • Comprehensive legal support in the process of merger of companies, transfer of capital etc.

see also

Mergers and acquisitions

Pursuing claims / protection of unfair competition claims

  • Legal advice on unfair competition claims
  • Representation in litigation, contentious court and administrative proceedings related to unfair competition and unfair advertising
  • Representing clients in the event of claims from competitors

Protection of competition and consumers – find out how we can help!

See also

6.09.2024 Aviation law and defence
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TGC Corporate Lawyers

ul. Hrubieszowska 2
01-209 Warszawa

+48 22 295 33 00

NIP: 525-22-71-480, KRS: 0000167447,
REGON: 01551820200000. Sąd Rejonowy dla
m.st. Warszawy, XII Wydział Gospodarczy
