14.12.2023 Aviation law and defence

DISPAX 2023: Passenger behaviour and flight safety

The topic of this year’s DisPax World conference was aviation safety in the broadest sense. The various panels of the conference were devoted to different aspects of safety and the important issue of so-called unruly passengers.

Passenger behaviour can also be a safety hazard

Safety in aviation does not only mean proper piloting, safety controls or efficient air navigation services ensuring the smooth flow of traffic in the air. An equally important aspect affecting air traffic safety is the behaviour of passengers and flight crew.

The increase in the number of flights brings with it an increased risk of safety incidents in which passengers play/will play a major, infamous role. Unfortunately, but this is what the statistics indicate. As the demand for (and supply of) flights increases, and as air travel becomes progressively more accessible, the number of people who can potentially cause problems while being on board passenger planes also necessarily increases. Of course, no two cases are identical. Each situation is different, has a different background, a different course or, finally, different consequences. However, each case of an unruly passenger presents a potential threat to the safety of passengers and crew, as well as to the aircraft itself – explains Piotr Dudek, attorney-at-law, specialist in aviation law and the defence market, Director of the New Technologies, Defence & Aerospace Department at TGC Corporate Lawyers, in the article Dispax 2023 – Jak radzić sobie z niezdyscyplinowanym pasażerem? published in Skrzydlata Polska magazine.

Aviation law and defence – see how we can help!

Piotr Dudek Director of the New Technologies, Defence & Aerospace Department, Advocate
TGC Corporate Lawyers

See also

6.09.2024 Aviation law and defence
13.03.2024 Aviation law and defence
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